LilySlim Exercise days tickers

LilySlim Exercise days tickers

Monday, February 13, 2012

Back to the Fun!

My early Valentine's weekend away was amazing. My boyfriend took me to Santa Barbara and we did all the things we enjoy together and ate at all my favorite places. The doubles I had to do last week was definitely worth it, but I did miss the torture chamber a tad bit yesterday =P Now it's back to the reality.

Day 13: 6:30pm w/Nafisa

I ran super late today and barely made it to class. Luckily it wasn't crowded and Val encouraged me to go in while the first set of breathing exercise just began. Nafisa was very nice and waited till I set up to start the 1st posture. I didn't get to practice at my usual spot, but it was a nice change and I embraced it. Class went well. I'm still struggling to stay in all the postures for their entire duration, but I know it'll come in time. I hate rushing to class so I typically am super early to get my mind and body ready, but today was great as I just followed Nafisa's dialogue and her intensity definitely rubbed off. I felt strong after class tonight =D

After class, I got a chance to talk to a fellow yogini (didn't catch her name) and we both were not experiencing any weight lost or change in our body size like some of the other challengers. It was nice to know that I wasn't the only one. We both think that our bodies are just holding on to the water and hope change will come in time. Luckily, weight lost is not my main goal in this challenge. I'm feeling great and that is all that matters. I am confident that the rest will fall into place =D Until tomorrow....namaste <3

My wardrobe for Day 13 & Day 14:


  1. always a joy to read. hey im gonna do yoga soon any suggestions? I'm finna look fine you feel me? Keep doing your thang lady! -Chuong

  2. Love love your outfits, always so cute and coordinated. I was there with you in the 6:30 class, meant to say hi after class but I didn't make it out in time to catch you. I feel you on the lack of weight loss, I'm in the same boat. I guess we've just gotta keep at it. See you soon!

  3. You are not losing weight bc you have no weight to lose! Your outfits consist of a bikini top, you can get stronger and more toned. Otherwise you already look great.

  4. Welcome back, Sara! Yup, no weight lost for me on the 2 previous challenges, just muscle toned up, isn't it good enough?! =P

  5. So good to see you after class last night. Welcome back! hahahah, I agree with your friends on FB. Your outfits are getting less and more tank top covering anymore? I think Bikram affects our bodies differently. I experienced more weight loss last summer when I applied myself for the first time. This time, I don't notice any huge differences. Just keep plugging away.
